CTE Partnerships

Partnerships are essential to a robust Career and Technical Education program. They serve in many capacities allowing students and teachers to connect with current industry trends. Partners work with CTE teachers as advisors to provide industry knowledge and expertise to build curriculum and state of the art labs. As students develop throughout their K-12 experience, business and industry partners also connect with students to allow them to explore different career clusters while developing an understanding of opportunities within their own community. External partnerships support career connected learning through guest speaking, providing worksite tours, job shadow experiences, and internships. The relationship between the WBL coordinator, teachers,  counselors and external partners allows for creativity in the classroom, exposing students to opportunities that are hands on and meaningful. Opportunities for internships, pre-apprenticeships, and mentoring allow students to step into the world of work and learn what is appealing to them as they prepare for their future. The Utica City School District values the relationships established with all stakeholder groups represented in the Mohawk Valley.